Spotlight: Dendrobium mini snowflake

Hybrid (Den aberrans x johnsoniae) 

This primary hybrid is of the Latouria type, primarily from New Guinea. 


Fairly forgiving and moderate. 

Light: Most latouria types require dappled shade. Some advice prescribes bright light.  If after time it does not bloom it may need more light. 

Watering: Let it slight dry before watering.

Do not let water stand on the leaves as it is susceptible to rot similar to Phalaenopsis. 

Temperature: Intermediate. Stay below the 90sF and above the 50sF at night. 

Winter Rest: Conflicting advice about winter rest. Latouria types often need a rest. Some advice says no winter rest is needed for this hybrid.

Endemic: New Guinea. 



Dendrobium johnsoniae is an award winning plant that can have flowers that last for months. Learn more:

Learn more about: Dendrobium aberrans :


Other references

Bribe Island Orchid Society