Greenhouse: Part 1 : Big Dreaming
The first step in greenhouse design is dreaming big. Maybe you've seen some amazing gardens & conservatories, or greenhouses in your neighbourhood, or amazing ones on Pinterest or maybe you've taken up watching too many YouTube videos and, like me, are very envious of Brad's moss-on-the-sides of the shelves greenhouse.
Either way, it's both fun and a good idea to dream big. Then you can parse out what are your most important priorities for your greenhouse, whether it be shape, function, feel, etc.
My greenhouse dreams were largely influenced many years ago by many visits to various botanical gardens, Frances McDormand's greenhouse in Wonder Boys (don't judge!) and a trip to the Amazon jungle at the end of high school. I don't know about you, but to me nothing beats the feeling of walking into a humid but airy, cared for greenspace. So what I'm personally after is more of a feel rather than a specific architecture or site. (I know, that's not very helpful, practically and logistically.) The next step for me will be figuring out what that means, and making practical choices.
Do you have any greenhouse dreams?